Page 31 - November 2021
P. 31

Global Predictions........

        The important challenging possibilities                going to embrace this new wave of change
        for November include:                                  and are very likely to enjoy it.

        Oct 1 - Nov 13:  A difficult period for the
        United States, and in particular for the               The important auspicious possibilities for
        Republican Party and republicans. Also,                November include:

        USA and China might go through a crisis  November 9-25:  A revival in European
        situation during this period.                          and Russian economy. This period is also

        November 1-7:  World religious leaders                 good for progress in technical fields (new
        likely to deal with earthshaking ideas and  innovations and discoveries) and religious
        they must attend to. The ones who are                  reconciliation.

        willing to be open minded and ready to                 November 14-19:  New and positive
        listen and act on new and fresh ideas, are             changes occurring in religious, academic,

        the ones that going to be responsible to               and social fields.
        transform our religious world to a new                 November 19-28:  A positive period
        level. Others will fade away with time.                for economy and remarkable progress

        November 2-4: Natural and man-made                     in technical fields (new innovations
        calamities causing destruction and loss of  and discoveries) as well as for religious

        lives, and perhaps undesirable happenings  reconciliation.
        in the world of politics.                              November 23-28:   A good period for
        November 9-12: A short term but very                   spiritual activities all around the world.

        intensive friction between India and                   Also, this is a great time for the USA to
        Pakistan. Terrorism and violence around                make some extraordinary progress in

        the world, especially in Afghanistan, Iran             enhancing its image both internationally
        and Israel-Palestine area will be on rise.             and domestically.
        In addition, an outbreak of undesirable                Nov 26- Dec 7:   An extraordinary time for

        events and occurrences of both natural                 technological discoveries and inventions.
        and man-made are strong possibilities.                 Expect some new important technological

        November 16-18: Natural and man-made  breakthroughs during this period. For the
        calamities around the world, especially in  United States, in general, this period is
        the United States of America.                          going to be remarkably successful.

        November 24-30: Significant changes                    The countries that are more likely to
        in religious and academic and to some                  be affected during this month are:  The

        extent social fields. Initial reaction to these  United States, Russia, China, India,
        changes might appear to be a bit confusing  Pakistan and the Middle Eastern countries-
        and perhaps chaotic, but majority of us are  Afghanistan, Iran, Israel and Palestine.

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