Page 16 - July 2023
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labels. All of this certainly makes us Check out the FDA’s FAQ about color
ponder about the safety of food dyes, additives:
especially when it comes to children food-additives-petitions/color-additives-
with ADHD. questions-and-answers-consumers
While we’re not entirely sure about Seek Natural Alternatives: Look for
the exact way food dye influences food products that use natural food dyes
ADHD symptoms, experts have sourced from fruits, vegetables, and
some intriguing theories. It seems plant extracts. Fortunately, many brands
that certain folks may have a greater now offer alternatives that are free from
sensitivity to these additives, which synthetic additives.
could result in heightened hyperactivity
and impulsivity. But that’s not all Embrace Whole Foods: Make a
– these artificial dyes meddle with conscious effort to incorporate whole,
neurotransmitters in our brains, unprocessed foods into your diet. These
throwing off their usual operation. foods are naturally vibrant and provide
This disruption in neurotransmitter essential nutrients without the added
activity might just be a key player in risks associated with artificial dyes.
exacerbating ADHD symptoms for Share the Knowledge: Spread awareness
those who are more susceptible. among your friends, family, and
community. By sharing information
It’s crucial to be aware of the potential about the potential dangers of food
risks linked to red food dye and other dyes, we can empower others to make
artificial food colors as we strive for informed choices and advocate for safer
healthier choices. As consumers, we food options.
have the power to take proactive steps
in reducing our exposure to these By taking these simple yet impactful
additives. Here are some practical actions, we can make a positive
measures we can adopt: difference in our own lives and
contribute to a healthier future for
Be Cautious of Labels: Take the time everyone.
to carefully read ingredient labels! Stay
vigilant and look for foods that are
free from artificial dyes or consider Natalia Bien
opting for naturally derived colorings. MIS Researcher and Writer