Page 13 - July 2023
P. 13

pain relief, swelling reductions, wound                beds with their cats, with some even
        healing, muscle growth, etc. Cats purr at  preferring their feline companions over

        the exact frequencies needed for healing! their partners. Additionally, Dr. June
                                                               Nicolls has found that women are more

        Cats have the remarkable ability to                    likely to be attracted to men who own
        heal not only their humans but also                    cats, as these men are perceived as more
        themselves. They can experience                        caring in nature. Furthermore, a study

        stress and anxiety, and interestingly,                 conducted by the National Institutes of
        their purring serves as a self-soothing                Health found that exposing children

        mechanism. You may observe that                        under a year old to cats can reduce
        when cats are injured, recovering from                 their likelihood of developing various
        a surgery, or in pain, they tend to purr               allergies.

        more frequently. This increased purring
        is believed to promote healing within                  Beyond being delightful companions,

        their own bodies, just as it does for us.              their presence provides profound
                                                               emotional support, and healing.
        Our feline friends can provide numerous

        health benefits that can positively                    Let us cherish the extraordinary bond we
        impact us in the long run. Owning a                    share with these magnificent creatures,
        cat has been linked to a 30 percent                    for in their delightful presence, we find

        reduction in the risk of heart disease,                ourselves immersed in a realm of love,
        as they naturally help reduce our                      joy, and transformative well-being.

        stress levels. Studies have revealed that
        41 percent of people have reported                     MIS Researcher and writer

        improved sleep when sharing their                      Cierra West
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