Page 28 - December 2021
P. 28
Please note that these hourly predictions crashes, the natural calamities are
refer to the Universal time (GMT). likely to include extreme weather
conditions such as severe cold
While man-made calamities may winters, and equally intensive
manifest themselves in terrorism, droughts, hurricanes or typhoons,
unrest, violence, accidents, and air thunderstorms, earthquakes, and fires.
Planetary Energies for Individuals
Neptune-Rahu and Neptune-Ketu Pluto-Jupiter ninefold sextile (Dec 22-25)
ninefold squares (Dec 9-12) In your birth chart if Jupiter and Pluto
Neptune-Rahu (and Ketu) ninefold are either in conjunction or trine or
squares are going to be very unfavorable sextile, and if either of these planets
for those who have such squares in is currently active via your Gochar
their natal charts. Expect sudden loss (transit) chart, then you are perhaps
of money, power and demotions at standing on the thresh-hold of a new
workplace and/or tarnished reputation era that’s about to begin in your life.
in professional and social fields. If Depending on the houses these planets
you have such squares in your birth occupy in your birth chart, you are
chart, and if any one of these planets going to have a totally new and a very
is presently active through the Gochar different experience in that particular
(transit) chart then you need be extra field. Be ready to accept this new setting
careful. The best thing to do is not make with new challenges as well as the
any new commitment, and totally avoid rewards that come with them.
taking any business or monetary risk.
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be careful!
Schedule a personal consultation