Page 27 - December 2021
P. 27

Global Predictions........

        The important challenging possibilities                activities around the world will likely
        for December include:                                  appear more secretive than open.

        December 9-19:  Acceleration in covert                 December 16-31: A social or political
        activities all around world. Social                    turmoil in the United States, Russia and/
        confusion and chaos in countries like                  or China, and rising tensions among these

        Russia and China are real possibilities.               nations.
        December 13-14:  Natural and man-made  December 28-29: Natural and man-made

        calamities causing destruction and loss of  calamities around the world, especially in
        lives all over the world.                              the United States of America.
        December 14-18: Rise in barbaric

        activities and violence all around the                 The important auspicious possibilities for
        world. Terrorists are likely to be successful  December include:

        in creating confusion and chaos. Social                Nov 26- Dec 7:   An extraordinary time for
        turmoil in Europe and Russia is likely.                technological discoveries and inventions.
        Religious activities could get stalled for no  Expect some new important technological

        apparent reason.                                       breakthroughs during this period. For the
        December 14-21:  A surge in covert                     United States, in general, this period is

        activities all around the world. Natural               going to be remarkable and successful one.
        as well as man-made calamities are also
        very likely. Places like Russia and China              The countries that are more likely to

        are likely to experience political and                 be affected during this month are:  The
        social turmoil. Non-democratic countries  United States, Russia, China and the

        are likely to see shift of power from one              Middle Eastern countries-Afghanistan,
        faction (or dictator) to another. Religious            Iran, Israel, and Palestine.

                Natural and Man-made Calamities........

        The natural calamities like extreme                    Earthquakes: Based on a new Earthquake
        weather conditions, wildfires, hurricanes,  prediction model (the work is still

        heavy rains, snowstorms, air crashes as                in progress), the earthquake(s) of
        well as man-made accidents are more                    magnitude 6.9 or higher, if occur, are

        likely to occur -made accidents are more  likely to occur on following dates and
        likely to occur during Dec 14-31.                      Times Earthquake Predictions 2021.

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