Page 24 - December 2021
P. 24
Astrological Insights for December 2021
Overview lovers, artists, musicians, singers, and
entertainment industry in general.
On November 19, Jupiter entered Expect the divorce rates to peak, fighting
the sidereal Aquarius and will stay between spouses to intensify, and delays,
in Aquarius till April 13, 2022. For frustrations, and misunderstandings to
the entire world, in general, it’s going take a center-stage in domestic matters.
to be an auspicious time from the
philosophical and collective spiritual The last two weeks of December are
advancement point of view. The likely to witness events similar to the
resulting philosophical influences ones during March-July of this year
will likely to be long lasting. Also, as the influence of the Saturn-Uranus
academia, social reformers, social square remains dominant for USA,
justice, morality, universal brotherhood especially for the west coast and Texas.
and religions to some extent are likely The manifestation of this undesirable
to be positively influenced by Jupiter’s planetary square (especially along with
transit in Aquarius. the transformational Capricorn Pluto) is
likely to be reflected in both the natural
Venus becomes retrograde on December and man-made calamities causing
19 and will stay retrograde for about destruction and loss of lives during this
six weeks. In general, a retrograde period (a possible surge of Covid-19
Venus means a very challenging period pandemic with new variant Omicron,
for women, marriages, home life, climate crisis, uprising in Middle East,
Russia and the United States).