Page 26 - December 2021
P. 26

Retrograde Venus

                                             (December 19 - January 29)

        On December 19, the planet Venus                       The energy of the retrograde Venus
        turns retrograde in its motion in                      in Capricorn does tend to reflect a

        sidereal zodiac sign Capricorn. With                   challenging period for industries that
        its retrograde motion it returns to                    produce luxury goods and provide
        Sagittarius on December 30 and stays                   luxury services.

        in Sagittarius. It then becomes direct on
        January 29 and reenters Capricorn on                   If you have a dominating Venus in your

        February 27.                                           birth chart, and if the Venus energy is
                                                               active via your current planetary cycle,
        Venus becomes retrograde about once                    then you are more likely to experience

        every 19 months and stays retrograde for  the challenging period till January 29.
        about six weeks. In general, a retrograde              The executive producers, directors of

        Venus means a very challenging period                  entertainment industries as well as
        for women, marriages, home life, lovers,               the entertainers like actors, actresses,
        artists, musicians, and entertainment                  musicians, comedians and others

        industry in general.  Expect the divorce               related to luxury based consumer
        rates to peak, fighting between spouses                industries may find themselves in

        to intensify, and delays, frustrations, and  a miserable situation during this
        misunderstandings to take a center-stage  retrograde Venus period.
        in domestic matters.

                            Jupiter returns the sidereal Aquarius

                                           (Nov 19, 2021 - April 13, 2022 )

        On November 20, 2021, Jupiter reentered  likely to be long lasting.  Also, academia,

        Aquarius and will remain in Aquarius till  social reformers, social justice, morality,
        April 13, 2022.                                        universal brotherhood and to some
                                                               extent religions are likely to be positively

        Aquarius, being the air sign, Jupiter’s                influenced by Jupiter’s transit in Aquarius.
        manifestation in Aquarius will certainly

        be reflected in emergence of new                       For individuals, especially for those who
        philosophies, philosophical debates,                   have dominant Jupiter in their birth
        and as a result, perhaps new norms and                 charts and have Capricorn, Aries, Gemini,

        new way of living.  For the entire world,              Leo or Libra as their natal ninefold
        in general, it’s going to be an auspicious             (Navamansa) ascendant are likely to

        time for advancement of spirituality.                  experience a very positive period during
        Since Aquarius is a fixed sign, the                    Nov 20, 2021 - April 13, 2022.
        resulting philosophical influences will

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