Page 6 - December 2021
P. 6
energy centers are anchors of layers
that compose our bodies, minds, and
spirits. Try to imagine these as multi-
dimensional rather than thinking of
them as flat discs, spinning like wheels.
Yes, in the two dimensional artwork
we see chakras imagined to be like flat
disclike lotus flowers, each possessing
specific numbers of petals. We can also
see this idea expressed in the more
modern Huangdi Neijing known as The
Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine in
the modern translations of the text.
Keep in mind that in the ancient times
there were no autopsies performed.
Therefore, the culture did not know what
the organs looked like and imagined them
to be like multi petaled flowers as well.
Perhaps this interpretation came by way
of the ancient artwork of the chakras?
In the model of the chakra petals we
focus on the fist six chakras. The first The seventh chakra, Sahasrara Chakra
chakra, Muladhara Chakra मूलाधार सहस्रार चक्र, known as the Crown
चक्र, commonly called the root chakra Chakra has 1,000 petals. It is seen as the
has four petals with four corresponding highest spiritual point and is beyond
sounds. There are six sounds for this reality. It is not included in this
the petals of Svadhishthana Chakra progression.
स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र, the second and ten
held in the third, Manipura Chakra I know that Oprah and Chopra had good
मणिपूर चक्र. Anahata Chakra अनाहत intentions when they set out to create
चक्र, the fourth in the location of heart their programs, but in the mishmash
center, carries 12 sounds and Vishuddha of mantras what I perceived happening
Chakra विशुद्ध चक्र, the fifth chakra was the creation of a toxic sound-soup
of the throat has 16 petals. The Third of confusion. My professors concurred.
eye, Ajña Chakra आज्ञा चक्र carries Before you become frustrated by this,
the final two in its scarab like shape. please allow me offer some explanation.