Page 7 - December 2021
P. 7
Let us please keep in mind that we are It has now become popular to refer to
only scratching a bit of the surface here. Vak-yoga as Mantra-yoga मन्त्र यो.
Yes, you may feel like you are going back You can begin learning more about
to the beginning on some concepts that Vak-yoga, the teaching brand of Yoga-
you already know. I do hope to shed Samskrutham University http://www.
light upon any you may have missed or
Learn even more about proper
Vak-yoga वाक् योग is the Vedic name pronunciation of the language which is
of Samskrutham. This adds another layer Vag-yoga वाग्यो in this video:
of mystery to a much more vast amount
of knowledge. Now, let us consider that
when we want to open a path, alter a Now we have identified that sacred
mood, or fully change course—that it is mantras are composed of particular
a good idea to utilize the correct key and sounds with precise rhythms and
to be standing at the intended door at the intonations to be used at specific times
best time possible. of day or night. The precise choosing of a
moment in time is measured by Jyotisha
The classical phrases and recommended ज्योतिष, a sister discipline to yoga. This
articulations were first passed on by is the science of light also known as
voice to voice, ear to ear and taught astrology.
only in this way. This insured precision
and patience. Tone, rhythm, and timing Yes, the timing of when to use any given
are all key components. It was not until sound-sequence holds tremendous
much later that any idea of written importance. In order to choose this
language was etched into leaves and demands a great understanding of the
later inked upon paper to capture these cosmic ruler-ship of each day, hour,
teachings. and minute. Consideration must also
be taken as to when the mantra is to
In a seeming game of broken be chanted and for what purpose. This
telephone—a game children play is a science and not a free-flowing art-
whispering a single phrase to then be form. Every moment is ruled by specific
passed through a succession of ears— energies of the universe.
has resulted in much the same way. An
indistinguishable garble at the end. Let To engage the full power of chanting
us all make an effort to be more mindful a mantra मन्त्र is to practice a
of this and continue to dive deeply into transcendental form of Yoga. Therefore,
this knowledge. 7