Page 12 - December 2021
P. 12
Shifting from Stress to
With the holidays in full swing, when perspective with compassion, you begin
we should be getting ready for jolly to see the steps you can take to fill your
and cheer, many are suffering from heart with sympathy, your spirit with
isolation, loss of a job, or a loved one. strength to look into the face of pain
and heartbreak and conquer it with
We ask ourselves, “When is it going to compassion and acceptance. You’ll touch
be over? When will life be normal again? hearts as you stand tall and be the change
The pandemic brought so many drastic by being the example. When you allow
changes, uncertainty, desperation, and your sympathy to guide you, you will
loneliness, leading us to questions, “Why inspire others to take positive actions.
there is so much suffering in the world?
Why such a great separation at a time we Five ways to shift the holidays from
are working so hard to get into Oneness?...” stress to sacredness:
1. Fill your mind with the wonders of life
Merciful, kind, understanding, instead of worries. Life is full of so many
compassionate are the words that come amazing and fascinating things. What
to mind for me when I think of the hard, you put your attention on grows. Keep
turbulent times we are in. your attention on what you desire instead
of what you don’t have, and soon enough
Witnessing people facing impossible things will start coming your way.
circumstances, can be a catalyst, prompting
us to let go of judgement, resentment, December is the darkest time of year.
desperation, loneliness, and fear and The time the sun is the farthest from the
replace it with Compassion and Faith. earth. This is the time we have to create
and sustain our own energy instead
Your ability to sympathize with others is of the sun’s energy. The hustle and the
the power-driven force that will be the bustle is how you keep your energy
catalyst in shifting the Consciousness of flowing. This is the main purpose of
the planet from fear and control. When decorating, gift giving, and celebrating
you can imagine yourself in someone with family and friends. Even the
else’s shoes, and see things from their