Page 14 - December 2021
P. 14
3 Vital Keys to Money
“Money, pardon the expression, is like ultra-cheap-skates are all results of one
manure. It’s not worth a thing unless it’s thing: FEAR - the opposing force to love
spread around, encouraging growth.” and abundance.
- Dolly Levi Hello Dolly! (1969)
The best way for me to explain what
We live in a 3-dimentional world as happens when we fear for our finances is
3-dimentional beings. Money is still the a real-life example:
primary energetic expression of how we “I opened my studio about 2 years ago
interact with people and surroundings. and thought I’ve done everything right.
In other words: the way we spend our My husband was supportive. I did all the
money, is how we express ourselves research I needed, and I even had a few
and desires to the universe. clients to get me started. I left my previous
job with some venom and was determined
Financial Flow vs Stagnation to PROVE to them that I was worth
When put in such simple terms, you may investing in, and they had missed out.
think: “Ok, so to get rich I just have to
be a good person and use a vision board. But…nothing was happening. I was
Cool, I got it!” using every business and marketing
strategy I’d been taught. It worked fine at
Unfortunately, this 3D-world makes that my old jobs, why wasn’t it working now?
easier to explain than to achieve. Using I started hoarding every penny I earned
our finances to satisfy addictions, feed to pay my bills instead of giving 10% to
emotional false-belief systems, or being charity, like I’d been raised to do.