Page 15 - December 2021
P. 15

After a year with seemingly NO progress,  All financial manifestations stem from
        I went into a deep meditation with a                   a foundation of one of these two areas.

        healer to search for answers. I saw myself  Remember, where it is planted, is where
        climbing a huge staircase leading to                   it will grow.

        infinity, but in front of me was a massive
        stone block I was trying to PUSH up                     It may seem counterintuitive to focus on
        the stairs. The block represented the                  service in order to manifest money for

        techniques of old jobs that didn’t align               yourself, but that’s not what this is about.
        with my authentic self, and I would                    It’s about spreading positivity to OPEN

        NEVER be able to climb the staircase                   the flow of abundance in your life.
        using them.
                                                               Maybe you do that by going above and

        My vision then shifted to me working                   beyond at work or paying for someone’s
        countless hours at my desk, but there was  lunch with no expectations. Maybe you

        a dingy, spiky bubble around me, keeping  simply answer the calls of small service
        anything from going in or out. All the                 when they present themselves.
        energy I was TRYING to put toward

        the growth of my business wasn’t going                 Chasing money will not get you money.
        anywhere, just circulating the bubble -                The only way is to open yourself up to

        there was no flow…                                     the flow of abundance by spreading
                                                               generosity. Let THAT be your intention
        I finally understood that I was so scared              next time you build a vision board: “How

        of failure, and so determined to make                  can I spread positivity and generosity so
        my old boss feel bad, that all flow of                 I can attract this into my life?”

        abundance had stopped, and I was stuck
        in stagnation.”                                        2. Be your most authentic self.
        Page K.                                                What is your highest truth, and who is

                                                               your truest self?
                 Now on to the 3 vital keys!

        1. Change your intention to spread                     Our truest selves are the beings
        positivity.                                            flowing with Dharma,* not resisting
        According to Buddhism, money is the                    abundance! It’s the person you

        gateway to 2 energetic responses:                      probably dreamed about being when
          - Greed: A branch of fear that stalls and  you were a child. Life, however, asks

        stagnates us                                           us to contort and compromise in every
          - Generosity: A branch of love that                  aspect, until it seems that being no
        draws flowing abundance                                longer exists.

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