Page 13 - December 2021
P. 13
conflicts are an opportunity to bring out Happiness Holiday Hints
unconditional love. 1. Play holiday music.
2. Create new traditions to replace the
2. Feel into the magic of shifting your ones that don’t or won’t work right now.
thoughts. What you think, you create. 3. Go out in nature and collect things to
decorate your house.
The power is within you. You can change 4. Revisit the reason for the season.
anything and everything with your 5. Make gifts and share the joy.
ability to change your perception. Look 6. Leave Secret Santa gifts for coworkers
for the good in everything. Focus on or neighbors but don’t let them know
what brings you joy. where they came from.
3. Understanding - be empathetic. Growing up poor, my fondest memories
Feel what others are feeling. It is easier were making gifts out of whatever we
to have compassion when you allow had in the house and singing Christmas
yourself to feel what the other person is carols for people who were shut in.
feeling. See things from both sides.
Never forget that unconditional love is
4. Gratitude - When you can be thankful always free, and there is always someone
for everything, you have found the key to who could use a new friend. Step out and
abundance. The more you can be grateful share the love.
for the little things, the happier you will
be. What you give thanks for, you own. Vasiliki Lagoudis
Medicine Woman
5. Happiness is a choice. People can spend Vasiliki is the visionary
their life fighting to be right, for example, and sage behind Teaching
or they can simply let it go and be happy. Spirit Retreat Centers. An
intuitive healer, mother,
Make the ordinary extraordinary. Bring and spiritual leader, she is a multi-faceted
color and joy into your life. Shift from individual who has transformed her entire
routines to rituals. Do what you love and being through profound teachings and
love what you do. Share the joy, bring out life experiences. With her uncanny ability
the happiness in your heart and let life to use her natural born gifts and innate
unfold in flying colors. wisdom to balance all aspects of life, she
freely shares love, light, and service.
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