Page 16 - December 2021
P. 16
How can your energy shine out to the “Having money isn’t everything, but not
universe and your wildest dreams be having it is.” - Kanye West
reflected back to you if you’re hiding
behind the ideals and functions Have you ever gotten freaked out by
of others? Drastic measures can’t the possibility of a financial hardship
always be taken, but what IS in your and thought “I have to manifest
control? Here are some questions to money right now!” I’ve done it, but
ask yourself that will help you get it obviously didn’t work. Fear and
re-aligned with who you truly are love cannot exist in the same space,
(remember, baby steps): meaning greed and abundance cannot
- When you do you feel the exist in the same space.
most you?
- Are there any areas in your Several religious texts have examples of
life you feel your truth is being this. People offering service for selfish
discouraged? reasons, begrudgingly donating to a
- Can you devote 15 minutes cause, expecting payback, etc. All the
a day to being your truest self? stories end with the same warning:
(hobbies, passion project, self-care, that there is no benefit in this form of
socialization, etc.) falsified generosity.
- Are there negative feelings
associated with your highest truth? The ACTUAL key here is to be calm,
open, and trusting of the Divine flow
* Dharma: the path of destiny to fulfil your of destiny. Here is a mantra you can say
life’s work and purpose with one hand on your heart and one
hand on your head:
- What is the tiniest step you can take
TODAY toward flowing with Dharma? “I am humbly surrender control and
accept of the guidance from Divine
Authenticity drives alignment, source. I trust the flow of destiny will
which drives passion, which drives lead me through this trial and deliver
creativity, which drives motivation, me my wildest dreams.”
which drives success.
3. Don’t let your manifestation be
fueled by fear. By Kalen P C Nielsen
Holistic Practitioner