Page 9 - December 2021
P. 9
our own heads, thereupon influencing
our bodies, minds, and spirits.
Now let’s ask ourselves, What occurs
when a phrase has great intention and it is
mispronounced? I hope this is expanding
your enthusiasm to create positive and
correct sounds in any practice such as
Mantra-yoga. Does it now make sense
that both thought and the formulation of
sound affects everything?
Just in case you feel any discouragement,
I have good news for you. We can
begin gently to explore these concepts
and to gain sensation with them while
avoiding any possible mistakes. This is
entitled, The Hidden Messages in Water,
and The True Power of Water. If you have a gentle exploration of your body as an
not seen the film. What the Bleep Do We instrument of sound. To do this we are
Know it, you might find that interesting going to use vowel sounds along with
as well. specific consonants to safely to produce
bodily-felt sensations. This gives you the
Another film I often suggest to my opportunity to prove and know the full
students and is, The Connected Universe, effects of your own voice.
by Nassim Haramein. (movie link
to IMDB: Here is something you can try
title/tt6108612/) Also be sure to look
into his work with the Resonance Place yourself in a very quiet
Science Foundation. https://www. environment, free from electronics and distractions. This is preferably 30
feet from WiFi and Bluetooth devices.
Let us continue to follow the path of Place your body in a comfortable seated
sound and consider that the sounds we position with your back as straight as
make not only vibrate specific patterns of possible. If this is not available to you,
petals in the system of dynamic anchors it is okay to be in a reclining position as
strung together to form the chakra long as your breathing path is clear. It is
system —they also circulate back into most important to feel relaxed. 9