Page 10 - December 2021
P. 10
Begin by exhaling and then by taking a Take the next breath. Continue in the
few very long, deep, cleansing breaths sequence as many times as you desire.
in and out through your nose. Once you Each time becoming the witness.
feel that you are able to breathe deeply,
progress to the next step. Next repeat the practice just as before
with a new sound टं Tam. The vowel
Now, use the exhalation following one sound is, “ah” as in the word log and bog.
of your deep breaths in through your Go through the same sequences as before
nose to make the sound टां Tum out with this new sound. Observe as you
through your mouth. This short vowel did before, soaking in the effects and the
sound is pronounced, “uh” as in the after sensations.
words bug and cup. As you make this Here is a website with examples of the
sound, allow your tongue to gently two vowel sounds for further guidance.
strike the soft tissue of the roof of the
mouth, just behind the teeth rather than It is very important to only use the
directly against the teeth. Repeat this sounds explained here for this particular
for a minimum of four times. As you experiment. Please do not use other
practice this, consciously become aware sounds as this is a specific practice that
of the sound inside your body. Be neutral originates from Yoga-Samskrutham
as you observe this and know that there University, and
is no right or wrong way. Continue is an outreaching from Yoga teachings
to consciously experience the silence that are rooted in the Bhagavad Gita
outside of your body. श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता and in Patañjali
पतञ्जलि writings.
Let each sound to go out slowly and fully
without force. Gently allow the sound Please write in your journal in response
to taper off on its own through natural to the following questions
nasalization as your lips close towards Analyze the state of your body before,
the end of the audible sound. Experience during, and after the experience of each
the trailing off of each sound like the sound. Ask yourself if it is relaxed, tense,
tapering off of the ringing of a bell or or neutral? What do you sense? Pay close
gong. Follow the dissipating sound as attention to any and all changes.
it disappears. After each sound ends,
experience the totality of the silence. Likewise, monitor your sensations of your
Allow yourself ample time to engage with breathing and its capacity before, during,
the bubble of energy this has created. and after each experience. Ask yourself if it
Observe it. seems normal, slowed down, or modified?