Page 18 - October 2020
P. 18

Holistic Hacks


              A delicious fruit, right? Well, botanically, they
               are a berry. And banana tree, it’s actually an
                      herb distantly related to ginger.

              Bananas were originally found in South East
                Asia, mainly in India. They were brought

              west by Arab conquerors in 327 B.C., moved
              from Asia Minor to Africa, and finally carried
               to the New World by the first explorers and
                      missionaries to the Caribbean.

                                                             We all know bananas are healthy, but many of
                                                            us don’t know the myriad of health benefits the
                                                              banana has tucked away behind its peel. For
                                                             starters, they are rich in iron, which is great for

                                                              those who are anemic. They are also high in
                                                             magnesium which is great for relieving stress.
                                                             If you have issues with gas, water retention or
                                                           bloating, especially after meals, try eating a banana
                                                           before each meal. If you’d like a little more energy,
                                                             eat two bananas and you will be provided with
                                                           enough energy for an intense 90-minute workout.
                                                            They also help in other ways. They are known to
                                                            reduce blood pressure due to high in potassium

                                                             and they also contain Tryptophan, which is an
                                                           essential amino acid that serves several important
                                                              purposes, like nitrogen balance in adults and
                                                             growth in infants. It also creates niacin, which
                                                              is essential in creating the neurotransmitter,
                                                           Serotonin. Serotonin, as we know, helps us to relax
                                                                   our body and improve our mood.

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