Page 13 - October 2020
P. 13

debate and intelligent dialogue based more
                                                               on facts than feelings.  Thoughts and ideas
                                                               can’t hurt or threaten one who is confident

                                                               and secure in his/her/other own mental
                                                               acuity.  In fact, different thoughts and ideas
                                                               contribute to broader understanding and
                                                               greater knowledge, which the individual

                                                               can then use in the next debate.  They’re
                                                               also fun to play with!  Fixed airy Aquarians
                                                               are infamous for switching sides in the
                                                               argument just to test its strength!  This gift

        The words “aloof” and “detached” are                   for detachment can, of course, incite us fixed
        almost always used to describe Aquarians,              watery emotionally invested Scorpios to riot!
        a quality that inspired one of my greatest
        astrology teachers, Buzz Myers, to proclaim,           At this moment in history, especially in

        “Aquarians…the sign that loves Humanity,               the social/political arena, as we watch what
        but hates People.”  Unfortunately, these               appears to be THE great “clash of ages”
        words pack a lot of judgment, and need                 unfold before our very eyes on a daily

        a bit of reframing.  The Aquarian ideal of             basis, it’s extremely important to remember
        “objective” honesty sits in stark contrast to          that this has all happened before.  We
        the Piscean sensitivity to feelings and how            survived, and we are still here, slightly
        words might wound another.  Another                    bruised, but far from broken.  Aquarian age
        one of my great teachers, Michael Lutin,               ideals of freedom, equality, and the rights

        attributed to Pisces the ability to “infiltrate        of the individual spark protest marches,
        and destroy”, which is another way of saying,  reminiscent of the women’s right to vote era
        when objective honesty won’t work, it’s okay           at the turn of the century and the Human

        to be use stealth and subterfuge to expose             Rights Movement of the 60’s.  Violence and
        my truth and accomplish change.  In this               civil unrest existed then as it does now.  It
        emerging consciousness of the new age, it              is not new.  Today’s exposure of the many
        is more important to be honest and speak               systemic injustices that plague this nation,
        your truth in relationships than to dance              and have always plagued this nation, force

        around the issues, pretend you have no                 an unprecedented level of awareness of
        opinion when, in fact, you do, or wait until           the more subtle and insidious aspects of
        no one is watching to “nuc” the relationship           the problems.  But we have confronted

        with the long harbored, well-hidden                    these injustices before, and in response
        secret of your truth.  What we used to call            to heightened awareness, which could
        “brutal” honesty, is fast becoming “telling            no longer be denied or ignored, we have
        it like it is”.  Aquarian relating, on both            changed…some things…at least a little bit…
        the personal and societal levels, requires a           granted, not everything, and maybe not

        level of maturity that thrives on respectful           fast enough.  It takes generations to actually
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