Page 14 - October 2020
P. 14
change the way we think about deeply with new paradigms to digest and new
ingrained beliefs and the “sacred cows” of principles by which to live. We are in the
culture. It took me awhile to stop expecting throes of dramatic change in the way we
to see a man when told, “The doctor will see relate to one another and the world around
you now”. Today, I watch Grey’s Anatomy, us. The roots of a new perspective grow
a long running television show that boasts deeper and stronger with each collective
an equal number of male and female, gay crisis. I am once again reminded of another
and straight, Black and White doctors, with great teacher, and Scorpio brother, Phillip
almost fervent reverence and gratitude. My Sedgwick, who once said, “We’ll finally be
younger friends probably don’t even know in The Aquarian Age when everyone who’s
what I’m talking about right now! Lack of not thinking like an Aquarian is dead.” So
civility and respect among politicians leaves please, start thinking like an Aquarian that
us thinking all politicians are “bad” and not you may “live long and prosper”!
to be trusted. If you think that’s new, just ask
my generation about “Tricky Dick”. (That’s by Kimberly McSherry
Richard Nixon’s nickname for my younger
readers.) Divisiveness and seemingly Kimberly McSherry has been a student of Astrology
insurmountable differences in ideological and a professional educator since 1970. She holds
multiple degrees from Kent State University (BS in
perspectives split the nation, reminiscent of English/Education & Psychology), the State University
The Civil War. No longer content to swallow of New York at Buffalo (MA in Humanities), and The
what we’re told, our demand for accuracy University of Houston (M.ED PSYCH.). A certified
and honesty of information has created the Gestalt Therapist, with advanced studies in Jungian and
Hakomi Therapeutic approaches as well, Kimberly is the
practice of “fact checking” personnel on co-founder and current Director of The Houston Institute
site at every political rally and debate. The of Astrology (established in 1980,) offering an intensive
only difference between now and then is 2-year curriculum in the study of Astrology, based on The
that it took a whole lot longer to reveal the Mystery School tradition. Her nontraditional education
includes extensive study of mythology and comparative
deception, and we didn’t know, or didn’t religions, Native American Spirituality, and a vast array
want to believe, that the man at the top was of physical and metaphysical healing modalities and
a philanderer and a liar until long after he nontraditional psychological fields. She is the published
vacated the office. Like coffee, oatmeal, and author of several essays on astrology, which have appeared
in The Mountain Astrologer, and Llewellyn’s New
gratification, more and more, we live in an World Astrology Series, Spiritual, Metaphysical, & New
age of “instant” karma. Trends in Astrology. She has also served on the faculty
of most national astrological conferences. Kimberly
I could go on, but I think you get the drift. currently writes, teaches Astrology classes via HIA, offers
private astrological consultations, and practices short-
Turmoil and upheaval on the collective term focused therapy using Astrology and a variety of
level is not new, and a very necessary part therapeutic techniques. She can be reached by e-mail at
of the process of birthing of a new age,