Page 16 - October 2020
P. 16

Tapping into Your Inner Calm in 2020 -

                            The Power of Soul Scans

        There is no doubt that 2020 has been, and              True healing will never come from a pill or a
        continues to be, a tumultuous year. There is not       therapy; it comes from a shift in consciousness.
        a single person on this planet that has not been
        affected in one way or another. Additionally, the      What are Soul Scans and How Can They Help?
        collective consciousness that is drowning in fear,     Through computerized bioenergetic screenings,
        separation, and violence absorbs into our psyche.  Soul Scans offers a breakthrough in emotional
                                                               and spiritual health with a unique process
        Our emotions are the result of our                     designed to accelerate our ability to tap into our
        interpretations. A persistent negative thought,        innermost emotional blocks, limitations, fears,
        a subconscious belief, resentment, anger,              childhood imprints, traumas and even delves
        and trauma at any level and stage of life, can         into the subconscious and emotions that you

        get trapped in the body and leave negative             may be holding for another person.
        imprints in our DNA and impair our immune
        system which, in turn, causes physical, mental         Just as the body requires cleansing on a regular
        and spiritual illnesses over time.                     basis, so does the emotional field.

        Our emotional and spiritual outlook affects            By bringing each issue to the surface, we have
        nearly every aspect of our lives such as our           the power to acknowledge it, make peace with
        health, happiness, motivation, financial               it and extinguish it. As we release all that no
        abundance, stress and anxiety levels,                  longer serves us, we begin to feel a weight

        relationships, and success. It is our birthright       lifted off our shoulders. Self-empowerment
        to be at peace yet many of us get caught up            is a wonderful thing. Within each of us, we
        in daily misery, self-sabotaging patterns,             have the tools we need to cope, transform, and
        and negativity. It is not to say we should             experience a full and vibrant life allowing our
        never be upset or apathetic or constantly              light to shine.
        live with rose-colored glasses where every
        emotion is positive. Yet, if our inner turmoil         Denise Cahill
        is not dealt with and managed, it will lead to         The creator of Soul Scans, holistic health
        illness, depression, and despair. Physical and         practitioner, certified nutritionist and
        emotional illness are the mind and body’s              bioenergetic screener with more than 20 years
        inability to handle the stored emotional energy.  in the natural health industries. Much of her

        The body cannot fully heal and thrive unless           work is done remotely although she sees clients
        distressed emotional conditions are repaired           in her clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona.  https://
        and removed from our cellular memory.        
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