Page 4 - October 2020
P. 4

Relationships: Catalysts

                            for Awakening

        Relationships hold one of the greatest                 Lack is only a thought, an imaginary idea.
        opportunities for spiritual growth. This is            But problems seem so real! And the desires,
        because it is one of the most entrenched               craving and fear of loss created from a sense
        strongholds of illusion, as well as one of the         of lack feel equally real. How did it all come

        most potent awakeners out of illusion. In order        to this? We have been in the illusory matrix of
        to understand how and why relationships are            thoughts for so long that we can’t see that the
        such fertile ground for suffering as well as for       voice in our head, that we have come to trust
        awakening, we need to understand exactly the           and obey, is actually the cause of ALL suffering.
        nature of illusion and the suffering it creates. A     The mind is a wonderful TOOL, but it is not
        comprehensive explanation is beyond the scope  meant to RULE our life and reality.
        of this one little article. But I’ll do my best to say
        something in a fresh and simple way to give us         This is why suffering is really a blessing in
        an inkling of what I am pointing to.                   disguise because it encourages us, sometimes

                                                               quite forcefully, to get to the root of suffering; to
        Somewhere along the way, eons ago, we as               look within rather than without. Suffering can
        human beings began taking our THOUGHTS                 be defined as the process of finally coming to
        to be more real than LIFE itself. This sounds          the realization that changing the world, getting
        benign and not so significant, but because             what we want and avoiding or destroying what
        we have listened to and believed in the voice          we don’t want in the world will never, never,
        in the head for so long, a fearful thought             NEVER bring about true Love and Happiness.
        now creates the experience - fear. A desirous          Hence, is suffering really bad if it is the force that
        thought creates the experience of lack unless          finally turns us in the direction of finally getting
        we get what we want. Thoughts are creating             what we truly want – the greatest Joy, Liberation
        our experience of reality including the illusion       and Love? And what if this is not so much about

        that we are separate from the Universe and             our individual happiness (although that is its
        each other. This is the primary “illusion” to          natural result), but is the EVOLUTIONARY
        which many spiritual traditions point and              MOVEMENT OF THE UNIVERSE naturally
        is the cause of ALL suffering. What we call            moving us towards Awakening? If we are facing
        “Spiritual Awakening,” is simply the process of        loss, pain or challenges, God is not punishing
        recognizing that thoughts are not Reality.             us. We have not done anything wrong. We are
                                                               not somehow flawed or lacking. The Universe is
        One way to begin to fathom the power of                trying to turn our attention and energy to where
        thoughts and how far it has taken us away from  it really matters – WITHIN! But because we have

        Reality, is to consider that lack, negativity and      free will, it often takes A LOT before we begin to
        fear ONLY exist in the human mind. There               turn within.
        is no where else in the Universe that lack
        exists. Contemplate for a moment the colossal          As long as we are focused on the world to
        and complex creative forces of the Universe.           make us happy, we will NEVER find what we
                                                               are truly looking for. If we are not focused
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