Page 6 - October 2020
P. 6

The Beautiful Truth

          What if the human “experiment” is actually           imaginations in our head, to be more real
            a Divinely orchestrated quantum leap of            than Life itself. We have now come to cherish
          evolution where a creature on earth will not         these beliefs, stories, judgements, positions,
         only become more consciously aware, but will  definitions, and convictions more than the
            realize that it IS Infinite Consciousness?         Divine. And when I say “Divine,” I simply
                                                               mean the Power and Intelligence of the
        We are innately beautiful, loving and whole. We        Universe – the actual Life Force.
        are self-effulgent, the very source of Joy and Light.

        It is our birthright and destiny to live as purely     How can we begin to see and live this Truth –
        Loving beings, naturally flowing with the Oneness  that we are perfect expressions of Love and that
        of the Universe. No matter how things may              the Real World is perfectly Loving of us?  Since
        appear, we are being carried to that Realization in    this Perfect Love is inherent to Life, inherent
        the caring arms of a Higher Intelligence. Yet, how     to all that is, and therefore inherent to who
        can this be true when there is so much that seems  and what we really are, gaining anything more
        contrary to these proclamations of Truth? If Love      or trying to transform ourselves or the world
        and Wholeness is closer than our own breath –          will not bring to light that revelation. What
        which it is, since it is the very nature of who we     needs to happen is a dismantling, or a seeing
        are, then why is it not always clearly apparent . . .   through, of the obscuring illusion. This occurs
        or even remotely apparent?                             through a clear seeing of the false as false. Not

                                                               “false” as opposed to “true,” but false in that we
        Through eons of programming, we now                    recognize what doesn’t really exist except as
        take mental images – the thoughts and                  mental concepts.
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