Page 5 - October 2020
P. 5
within, on working with the real source of When freed from lack-based yearnings and
negativity and suffering, we have not started on dependency, relationships have the potential
the spiritual path. And “spiritual path” simply to offer us union with the Divine through a
means doing what actually works! Thinking human individual. Instead of experiencing the
that the problem or the solution is anywhere or other person as a bundle of human attributes
anything outside of us is setting ourselves up that we are programmed to either like or
for endless suffering. And it IS endless until we dislike, strongly judge or crave, we experience
turn within! the relationship as the undifferentiated flow of
Universal Energy-Consciousness.
Relationships bring up within us what most
needs to be healed. And the key word in that There is no such thing as a perfect relationship,
statement is WITHIN. Relationships reflect but we can wake up to Universal Perfection
back to us the most deeply unconscious and and experience a relationship as an expression
disowned parts of ourselves. If there is any of That Perfection.
area where we place our hopes of happiness on
the external world rather than within, it is in ALL relationships are perfect opportunities
relationships. Can we now see how romantic and powerful catalysts for awakening. It is
relationships are such a stronghold of the mind not as if we need to wake up first. Being in a
insisting on finding Love externally? And if our relationship may be one of the most leveraged
mind says “where else will I find love?,” that ways to break free of illusion and suffering
shows what a stronghold of illusion it is AND when we focus on being free ourselves, rather
how thoughts create our experience! than wanting the other person to change.
Ironically, the more we imbue a relationship When the illusory nature of thoughts is
with a power it doesn’t have – the power completely seen through, that former pseudo-
to make us Whole, the more likely the reality of thoughts drops away, revealing the
relationship will be fraught with blame and Reality of Infinite Energy-Consciousness,
conflict, or have an undercurrent of fear of or what has been called Great Spirit, Christ
loss (even under the appearance of a perfect Consciousness or Buddha Nature. Awakening
marriage or family). We are unconsciously and is not a special, amazing experience; not
innocently using people to find what can only some status symbol or “attainment.” It is
be discovered within. Is this a bad thing? No, beyond anything imaginable or describable
it is all designed to lead us Home. Eventually, precisely because it is beyond the mind. It is
we will realize the futility of trying to find our a Realization or direct experience that one IS
True Love and Purpose externally. that Infinite Energy-Consciousness. Then ALL
relationships will be LOVE relationships.
Mark Okita
Mark Okita does Energy Work surrendered to and aligned with the Divine. He guides, heals and awakens through
direct alignment with that Higher Love and Power. He has been placed on this planet as a pure instrument to serve
people who are truly interested in healing and awakening. Mark has over 25 years of experience working with the
physical body, subtle energy, consciousness and emotions which is now integrated into a holistic and synergistic
approach. All this experience has cultivated a high level of clarity and proficiency in being a conduit for uniquely
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