Page 13 - January 2023
P. 13
Financial Crisis, Cyber wars, and Internet
communications breakdown
(Oct 31- Jan 13, 2023)
Mars became retrograde on October 31, its speed slows down. A poorly placed
2022 in sidereal Gemini. It returned to Mars makes things worse during the
Taurus on November 14, 2022 due to retrograde period if it’s transiting through
its retrograde motion. It becomes direct the unfavorable house in the transit chart.
on January 13 in Taurus and returns to
Gemini on March 13, 2023. The transit of Mars in Taurus (the earth
Astrologically speaking, what “the sign) means significant volatility in
retrograde Mars” means? And what can financial markets and drastic changes
we expect from the retrograde Mars? and shifts in international politics.
In general, when a planet turns
retrograde, the positive energy offered For those of you who have poorly placed
by that planet is expected to slowly predominant Mars in their birth chart,
diminish. For an individual, any planet and if its energy is active, you through
can be positive or negative based on its the Gochar (transit) chart, then, you
placement in the natal chart. are very likely to experience a sudden
setback in your professional as well as in
The positive side of Mars is: amazing other activities. You may have to repeat
energy, independence and high ego. While things over many times to get it right, or
high ego proves to be ultimately negative, you may have to deal with unfortunate
it does help in the beginning to provide an and totally unexpected circumstances.
individual in utilizing that amazing energy
of Mars with total independence. It makes (You can schedule a consultation with
the person feel he/or she is a master of me to learn how best navigate this time.)
the universe. The ego help maintains that
momentum of Mars to push forward and The Taurus retrograde Mars is going to be
conquer more frontiers. However, if not unfavorable for those who have Taurus,
correctly understood through awareness, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aries
the same ego can make person arrogant, as a rising sign or ninefold (Navamansa)
dictator, un-empathetic and inhuman. ascendant. It’s going to be very challenging
Thus, a poorly placed Mars can lead to the and frustrating period if you have an active
self-destruction. Mars in your Gochar (transit) chart. In
particular, business people, politicians,
Now when Mars is retrograde, a favorably corporations, and financial organizations
placed Mars is not expected to perform are likely to experience a challenging and
100% (unless it’s an auspicious Mars) as trying period.
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