Page 14 - January 2023
P. 14

At a collective level, expect a political              will likely to be more frequent. Destruction

        tension building among developed nations.   of wealth due to natural calamities (fires,
        Financial crisis in UK may become very                 flooding, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc.)
        severe during Nov 14 – Jan 13.  Cyber wars  or man-made accidents (social and/or

        and internet communication breakdowns                  political unrest) are also very likely.

             Anxieties, Communication breakdowns, Delays and

                                             Frustrating period

                                                  (Jan 14 - Feb 4)

        On December 29, 2022, the planet                       researchers. This is not a good time to
        Mercury became retrograde in                           start a new project or venture, but rather

        sidereal Capricorn then returned                       reflect on what’s been done so far. Also,
        to Sagittarius two days later on                       this is the best time to cleanup that closet

        December 31. It will stay retrograde                   and do other chores that you have been
        in Sagittarius until January 19.                       postponing due to lack of time.
        Typically, retrograde Mercury means

        anxieties, communication breakdowns,                   In addition, if you have dominating
        unexpected delays, frustrations, missing               Mercury in your birth chart and if

        deadlines, unforeseen obstacles,                       Mercury is currently your active planet,
        and disappointment in daily chores.                    then you are more likely to experience
        Retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius means  the pronounced effects of retrograde

        more frustrating period for leaders in                 Mercury with respect to matters signified
        general, and particularly for religious                by the house it’s currently transiting

        leaders, explorers, philosophers, and                  through in your Gochar (transit) chart.

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