Page 16 - January 2023
P. 16

Is Russian-Ukraine war and senseless
                                        killings… going away?

        Since last couple of months, the momentum  is likely to continue its course of devastation
        of the war between Russia and Ukraine                  and destabilization of the country. After

        continued with unprecedented casualties on  January 2023, however, the war between
        both sides. Until Saturn completely returns            Ukraine and Russia will likely intensify in

        to Aquarius (January 2023), the Ukraine war  Cyber-space as well.

                                            Global Insights

        The important challenging possibilities                The important auspicious

        for January include:                                   possibilities for January include:
        Jan 2-9:  Russia and/or China likely to                Jan 6-14:  Significant progress,

        face unpredictable and chaotic period                  inventions, and discoveries in
        Jan 13-17:  World religions are likely to              technological field. Spiritual and
        be challenged with earthshaking ideas                  religious activities are likely to impart

        that they must attend to. Those religious              positive energy and create a very healthy
        leaders, who are willing to be open-                   atmosphere around us.

        minded, ready to listen and act on new                 Jan 12-30:  An extraordinary time
        and fresh ideas, are the ones that will                for technological discoveries and
        transform our religious world and take it  inventions.  Expect some new important

        to a new level.                                        technological breakthroughs during
        Jan 21-26:  Political or social turmoil                this month. For the United States, in

        in the United States, Russia, or China.                general, it’s going to be a remarkable and
        The rise in tensions among these nations  successful month.
        cannot be ruled out easily.                            Jan 22-29:  A good period for European

        Jan 29 – Feb 3:  An eruption of new                    economy. This period is also good
        waves of violence in the Palestine-Israel              for progress in technical fields (new

        and Afghanistan-Pakistan regions. The                  innovations and discoveries) and
        resulting changes are likely to become                 religious reconciliation.
        irreversible. In addition, world religions,

        in general, and religious leaders in                   The countries that are more likely to
        particular, may go through undesirable                 be affected during this month are:

        situations forcing them to change. In                  Russia, Ukraine, China, Europe, United
        other words, the orthodox religious                    States, the Middle Eastern countries,
        leaders may be forced to change the way                especially Israel and Palestine region.

        they handle their responsibilities.

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