Page 3 - June 2023
P. 3

From the


        Dear friends,                                          the informative piece, “What to Look

                                                               for When Buying Fish?” Inspired by

        I can hardly believe it’s already the first            the upcoming Father’s Day, we explore
        of June! Time flies, doesn’t it? I wanted to           the timeless appeal of fishing, a favorite

        share some exciting news with you: our                 hobby among many men. And for those
        community is expanding, almost 3 dozens                who prefer store-bought seafood, we
        of new subscribers joined us in May.                   have some easy and delicious recipes

        Thank you for spreading the word about                 crafted by Stephanie Davidian.
        My Indigo Sun to your loved ones. Rest

        assured, we are dedicated to providing                 As our subscriber list continues to grow,
        you with quality content each month.                   I encourage you to consider promoting
                                                               your practices and spiritual businesses with

        In the June edition, we delve deeper into              us. Our rates are exceptionally affordable,
        the profound topic of Archetypes. Greg                 allowing you to reach a wider audience. Our

        Schmaus returns with the third part of this            community events are free for everyone to
        captivating series. Prepare to become a true           attend. This month, be sure to sign up for
        creator of your reality as you explore the             “Power Up Your Body: Understanding &

        article, “The Impact of Emotions on Your               Balancing Your Energetic System,” and stay
        Life’s Journey.” Additionally, we invite you           tuned for more details on an upcoming

        to watch our thought-provoking video                   event exploring the magic of dowsing.
        on Coincidences and Synchronicity, and
        we encourage you to share your personal                We cherish each and every one of you,

        stories with us.                                       and we wish you a fabulous June ahead.
                                                               And a very Happy Father’s Day to all the

        Our team of researchers and writers have               fathers among our readers!
        prepared several insightful articles for
        you. Discover the astonishing anti-cancer  With love and warm wishes,

        properties of mushrooms, and unravel                   Katerina
        the secrets of what farm fish are fed in
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