Page 5 - June 2023
P. 5

setting boundaries or saying no to the
                                                                things we were afraid to say no to.

                                                                We may sabotage our success because

                                                                we are afraid of the responsibilities that
                                                                come along with it. We may sabotage
                                                                our relationships because we are afraid

                                                                of intimacy or getting too close to
                                                                another. We can only be as intimate

                                                                with another as we are with ourselves.
                                                                So, if someone begins to penetrate or
                                                                access parts of us that we have yet to

                                                                connect with, the saboteur will often
                                                                step in. The most important question

                                                                to ask ourselves when it comes to
                                                                secondary gain is, ’What part of me is
                                                                benefiting by sabotaging?’

                                                                The third expression of the saboteur is

                                                                based in our relationship with truth.
                                                                Very often, there are certain truths that
                                                                our ego wants to avoid because they are

                                                                inconvenient, painful, or uncomfortable.
                                                                While we are always being divinely

                                                                guided through life, we also have free
                                                                will. Many people debate whether there
                                                                is a divine plan or free will, but what if

                                                                there is both? What if the divine plan is
                                                                the path that our soul has chosen for this

                                                                lifetime, and free will is the choice as to
                                                                how we choose to experience it?

                                                                Our soul is constantly guiding us towards
                                                                our highest potential, a path that often

                                                                includes twists and turns that challenges
                                                                the ego’s focus on instant gratification,
                                                                security, and attachment. As the old

                                                                saying goes, “Spiritual growth is the ego’s
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