Page 7 - June 2023
P. 7
partner was having affairs the whole time! We then say,
“I knew it!” (But at the time we did not want to face it
because of the inconvenience it might cause.)
There might be a deep truth that our marriage isn’t
working, our career path needs to pivot, or our
environmental needs have changed. We may intuitively
know this, but on some level, we are afraid to take that
leap of faith. We begin to sabotage ourselves to keep us in
our comfort zone, connected to what is familiar, and away
from discomfort and disappointment. We often develop
addictions to self-medicate the pain of the disconnect
between the head and the heart. The heart is guiding us
one way and the head is rationalizing another. This is the
cause of addiction and patterns of self-sabotage.
To heal the saboteur, we must first identify our deepest
fear. We then get clear on the secondary gain. How
are we benefiting from sabotaging? Once we have
identified this, we can then explore the higher truth
that we were avoiding seeing. Once we connect with
this higher truth, we realize what our inner saboteur
was protecting us from. We see what we were afraid
would happen if we didn’t sabotage ourselves.
As the old saying goes, “The truth shall set you free.”
First, we must embrace the truth we were not willing
to see. Then we can fully embrace and move towards
our potential.
Greg Schmaus
the CEO of Healing 4D, a Holistic
Health Practitioner, Shamanic Energy
Healer, Massage Therapist, the creator
of “Healing The Mind,” a 21 day holistic
mental health program. 7