Page 12 - June 2023
P. 12
Reading the Labels
The Battle of Labels:
Name Brands vs. Generic Brands
Name brand and generic brand products counterparts, with consumer safety being
are virtually identical in terms of a top priority. This means that when it
ingredients and effectiveness, debunking comes to dosage, safety, benefits, risks,
misconceptions and offering cost-effective and effectiveness, generic medicines
choices for consumers. don’t cut corners. They’re just as reliable
and effective as the name brand versions.
How often have you found yourself torn No compromises!
between selecting a name brand or a
generic brand product? Which one can In a comprehensive analysis conducted
you truly rely on? Which one is truly the by the National Library of Medicine, it
better choice for you? was discovered that numerous over-the-
counter medications contain the same
It’s common for consumers to lean active ingredients as other name brand
towards the flashy name brand product products. The primary objective of this
simply because it’s more familiar to study was to inform consumers that
them. However, beneath the surface of opting for generic medications is equally
branding and packaging lies a fascinating safe and effective as using name brand
truth: name brand and generic brand products. The findings also revealed that
products are essentially identical. patients who used generic medications
achieved comparable results to those
Extensive research and analysis who used name brand medication.
consistently demonstrate that name
brand and generic brand products, Like medications, the similarity between
particularly within the pharmaceutical name brand and generic brand extends
industry, often share similar ingredients. to everyday grocery products as well.
You’ll be happy to hear that FDA- It’s common for many name brand
approved generic medicines are held to products and generic brand products
the same standards as their name brand to be manufactured by the same