Page 13 - June 2023
P. 13

company. However, this connection is                   However, the primary reason why
        often unknown to consumers unless a                    generic brands are priced lower is not

        product undergoes a recall or specific                 due to a lack of quality or effectiveness,
        information about the manufacturer is                  but rather because they are not marketed

        revealed.                                              or advertised in the same manner as
                                                               name brands. Essentially, what we are
        A notable example is the 2016 recall by                paying for when choosing a name brand

        Wonderful Pistachios, where several                    is simply the brand name itself, while,
        flavors and sizes of in-shell and shelled              both generic and name brand products

        pistachios were recalled due to potential  are the same.
        Salmonella contamination. As a result
        of the recall, Wonderful Pistachios had                The next time you’re faced with a

        to provide a list of products included in              decision between a name brand and a
        the recall for the safety of the public. This          generic brand, remember that the two are

        list revealed that various name brand                  virtually interchangeable. It’s important
        and generic brand products supplied by                 to carefully read labels and prioritize
        Wonderful Pistachios were essentially                  safety, but rest assured that generic

        the same product, only disguised under                 products undergo the same rigorous
        different names.                                       testing and regulations to ensure their

                                                               safety. And the best part? They often
        So, why do we often hold a negative                    come at a more budget-friendly price!
        perception of generic brands? One                      So, don’t hesitate to reach for a generic

        of the main factors contributing to                    brand. They are just as effective as their
        this perception is the assumption that                 name brand competitors.

        these products are inherently different
        from name brands simply due to the                     Natalia Bien
        significant price discrepancy.                         MIS Researcher and Writer

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