Page 15 - June 2023
P. 15

Turkey Tail                                            Reishi

        researchers are wondering when its                     significant portion of their potential as

        properties will be accepted into the                   anti-cancer agents has not been fully
        world of pharmaceuticals. One of these                 explored. However, we know enough to
        properties are polysaccharides called                  determine that they are a worthwhile

        beta-glucans that support the immune                   area of study and might deserve an
        system, microbiome, metabolic system,                  established place in medicine.

        and adaptive immunity. Once broken
        down, beta-glucans can enhance natural  As a note, it’s important to do your
        killer cells which destroy tumors.                     own research on these effects and

        Triterpenes, which have been found to                  consult with a healthcare professional
        impede the development and spread of                   before incorporating any medicinal

        tumors, are another group of impressive                mushroom products into your own
        compounds that share a similar range of                health regimen.
        anti-cancer properties.

        Despite an increase in research on the                 Lauren Dunn

        medicinal properties of mushrooms, a                   MIS Researcher and Writer

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