Page 16 - June 2023
P. 16
Sustainable Seafood:
What to Look for When Buying Fish
As we sit down to enjoy our meals, we diet of plankton, small fish, and other
often forget to consider the journey our organisms, but they face risks such as
food took to reach our plates. water pollution, waste, overfishing, and
climate change. On the other hand, fish
Fish is considered a highly nutritious farms offer a controlled environment
food due it’s abundance of essential for fish to thrive in, but they can
nutrients, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, contribute to the pollution and create a
vitamins, and minerals. Omega-3 genetic contamination in wild fish due
fatty acids help keep our heart and to the waste they produce. Ultimately,
brain healthy, while also aiding infant your choice between wild-caught and
development in pregnancies. Since farmed-raised fish should depend on
our bodies cannot naturally produce your personal preferences and priorities,
Omega-3, we must get them through the and being informed about the risks and
foods we consume. To maintain a healthy benefits of eat option to help you make
diet, the American Heart Association the best decisions.
recommends eating fish at least twice a
week. With the increasing demand for What do farmed fish eat?
fish, fish farming has become a popular
and cost-effective way to provide fish to Farmed fish are typically fed pellets that
our tables. Navigating the nutritional resemble dry dog food. The feed contains
value and potential health risks of the a variety of nutrients that are essential for
fish you choose can be challenging, ad the fish’s growth and development, with
there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. the exact ingredients varying depending
on the species. To ensure that fish receive
It’s commonly believed that wild-caught all the necessary nutrients, nutritionists
fish is always a healthier and safer choice have designed the feed to contain up to
than farm-raised fish. However, the truth 40 different essential nutrients. The most
is more complex, and both types have commonly used ingredients in fish feed,
their own advantages and disadvantages. as reported by the National Oceanic and
Wild-caught fish feed on a natural Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
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