Page 4 - June 2023
P. 4

The Journey of Archetypes

                                                                                  Part III

               The Saboteur Archetype                          sabotage out of fear. We each carry our
                                                               unique, individual core fears. This may

        Welcome back to your archetypal journey.               include the fear of rejection, abandonment,
        In our first article, we explored what                 judgment, the unknown, or even success.

        an archetype is and the four survival                  We end up sabotaging as a means of
        archetypes. In last month’s edition, we took           attempting to avoid that which we are most

        a deeper dive into the child archetype.                afraid of. To begin this exploration, I invite
        Today, we’ll meet our inner saboteur.                  you to explore what your core fears might
                                                               be. The way you answer this can likely

        The saboteur is the archetype responsible              relate directly back to your child archetype
        for our patterns of self-sabotage. We                  and what he or she experienced growing

        have all experienced times in our lives                up. The orphan child’s core fear might be
        when we found ourselves making choices                 abandonment. The eternal child’s core fear
        that we knew, on some level, were not in               might be responsibility. We may sabotage

        alignment with our highest interest or                 ourselves or reject ourselves out of the fear
        the highest interest of all. The saboteur              of others’ rejection. The first step is to get

        archetype not only sabotages ourselves                 clear on the fear.
        but also sabotages others.
                                                               The second root cause of self-sabotage

        Why do we self-sabotage? This is one                   is called secondary gain. Secondary gain
        of the most common questions I get                     refers to the aspect of ourselves that

        asked in my holistic health coaching                   benefits from sabotaging. When it comes
        practice. Why do we continue to                        to healing, there is often a part of us that
        make the same disempowered choices                     benefits from not healing. For example,

        repeatedly? Why do we start new diet                   we may be receiving more empathy and
        and exercise programs, only to find                    compassion from others while sick, or

        ourselves back at square one after a                   we may receive recognition or rewards
        couple of days or weeks?                               for our illness by starting a foundation or
                                                               charity. There is a part of us that develops

        From my experience, the saboteur                       an identity through illness, and healing
        archetype sabotages because of three root              may become a threat to that identity. We

        causes. The first is fear. We most often               may use our illness as an easier way of
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