Page 13 - March 2021
P. 13

Often, the unconscious programming                     Furthermore – and here is where this
        is much more powerful than the                         subject gets really interesting!, we are

        conscious affirmations because it has                  constantly and unknowingly doing
        been operating out of awareness for so                 affirmations for every aspect of our

        long (for our entire life individually and             lives. These affirmations have profound
        for the history of humanity collectively).  effects in unseen ways that sets us up for
        This unconscious programming is also                   fear and disappointment. For example,

        more powerful than conscious thoughts                  let us say we have a strong intention
        because they are linked to, and fueled by,  that tomorrow is a sunny day so that

        our deepest emotional wounds.                          we can enjoy a walk in the park. If this
                                                               intention is part of an internal unspoken
        For example, the affirmation “My                       CONDITION for happiness – that unless

        business will be successful this year and              it is a sunny day we will be disappointed,
        I will make at least $200,000” seems                   we will have unwittingly set the stage

        like a positive affirmation. However, it               for disappointment even though
        could be just a mask over a deep fear                  the intention was to enjoy the day!
        that the business will fail due to past                Whenever we believe that we will not be

        experiences of failing, as well as even                happy unless we get the desired outcome,
        deeper fears about survival. Every time                we set ourselves up for disappointment.

        the affirmation is expressed, both the                 Why not have the intention to be joyful
        superficial hope that the business will be  no matter what happens? Contemplate
        successful as well as the much stronger                this deeply. See how heavily we are

        fear that it will not be, is activated. Law            programed to place conditions and
        of Attraction and affirmations work                    limitations on our innately Loving, Free

        when they change the ENERGY of our                     and Joyful Self.
        internal state. The mere digital words
        that one says is relatively insignificant. It  Blockages to our happiness do not exist

        is possible for the positive affirmation to            in the outside world. They exist as the
        overcome the subconscious negativity –                 inner conditions we place on an already

        which is the whole point of affirmations,  Free and Perfect world and self. We are
        but we need to be aware of what is                     unconsciously, constantly and insistently
        happening in unconscious and energetic  telling the Universe that we will only be

        dimensions. When affirmations do not                   happy within a VERY narrow range of
        work, it may be a compelling call and                  possibilities. We end up living in a tiny

        opportunity to heal deep emotional and                 bubble of unsatisfied illusory desires
        energetic wounds.                                      (make this to be a quote on a side too)

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