Page 14 - March 2021
P. 14
rather than the fullness of LIFE, which
illuminates all of existence, including
ourselves, with its effulgent Energy and
Love. The more conditions we place
on the infinite possibilities of Life,
the more we LIMIT the possibility of
experiencing the joy of a Soul set Free.
We think that we are going to find true
Love and Joy by defining happiness in
narrower and narrower terms, insisting
that we will not be happy unless all
of the conditions are met, down to
the smallest detail – of the ultimate
partner, the ideal home, the awesome
car, the successful enterprise, the perfect
body, what it means to be spiritual or
enlightened, etc., but this is a trick of
the ego-mind! The more conditions This is a desire for an eternal and
we place on Love, the less likely it is truly satisfying Love and Power. But
that we will discover a Love that is for most of us, this True Desire has
unbounded and UNCONDITIONAL. been assimilated by the ego. We have
These conditions are affirmed every sheepishly linked the desire for an
time we feel that we need something indestructible Comfort and Joy to the
else, someone else or something more fleeting and insubstantial comforts and
in order to be happy. The grandeur of pleasures of the world.
the entire Symphony of Life is far more
gratifying and Lovely than obsessing on It is not that we cannot have both.
just one instrument upon which we have Having a wonderful partner, great job,
defined our happiness. nice home and harmonious family is all
just fine. It does not preclude Realizing
There is a desire woven into the very Unconditional Love, Joy and Power. It
fabric of every Heart; indeed, it is is a matter of clearly seeing that while
woven into the fabric of all of Creation. having a nice home and family can be
It is the impetus to EVOLVE, to very satisfying, it is not any different
expand in Consciousness and Love. than what mammals want. Romanticized
This is a desire for something beyond animal bonds (which are beautiful!) and
the veil of our animal instincts for creature comforts (which are delightful)
security, comfort and the familiar. have little to do with the Higher Spiritual