Page 15 - March 2021
P. 15

king and Jesus would have lived a
                                                               comfortable family life as a carpenter

                                                               and would have avoided crucifixion at
                                                               all costs. However, this does not mean

                                                               that we need to be crucified or leave
                                                               the comforts of home to align ourselves
                                                               in this way. Spiritual Mastery is a

                                                               SURRENDERING of egoic conditions,
                                                               allowing an alignment with Universal

                                                               Love under ALL circumstances.
                                                               Hence, when affirmations and Law of
                                                               Attraction do not work, it may be a

                                                               sign of a “mature Soul” – a Soul on the
                                                               verge of beginning to Awaken. It may

                                                               be an invitation from the Divine to take
                                                               the next step; to surrender our most
                                                               cherished desires to a Higher Love and

        Truth of Unconditional Love and                        Intelligence. This is not a surrender in
        Liberation. What does this have to do                  defeat but surrendering to a True Love

        with affirmations and Law of Attraction?  and Authentic Power.
        We can use them to Realize what we
        TRULY desire rather than using them to  In the end, though, there is an ironic twist

        serve our ego attachments.                             and cosmic joke: The inner state of ease and

        The New Age idea that “mastery” is                     that results         “We are unconsciously,
        getting whatever we want through the                   from Realizing     constantly and insistently
        Law of Attraction is a total reversal                  Unconditional       telling the Universe that

        of the Truth. (make this one a quote                   Love, or at           we will only be happy
                                                                                    within a VERY narrow
        too) Spiritual mastery is not an ego                   least letting      range of possibilities. We

        in charge. Having good luck does                       go of needing
        not make one a spiritual master.                       the world and        end up living in a tiny
        Taking credit for God’s blessings by                   other people          bubble of unsatisfied

        claiming one created it through the                    to be a certain          illusory desires”
        mind’s attachments reeks of egoic                      way, IS the internal energy signature that

        pride. If spiritual mastery means                      “attracts” outer events and other people’s
        getting whatever we want, then The                     responses in a positive way. In other words,
        Buddha would have remained a prince                    we will get what we truly desire externally,

        and became an even more powerful                       when we realize the Truth within.
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