Page 20 - March 2021
P. 20
heal core wounds. This is effective for any
troubling emotion such as hatred, fear,
guilt and sadness. It is especially potent
when done later in the day, or as soon as
possible, when overwhelming emotions
have arisen. Simply sit or lie down, maybe
even in a fetal position, and feel, breathe,
release with as little stories and thoughts
as possible. If thoughts arise, simply
return to the body sensations. Rather than Mark Okita
commenting on the feelings, you can even
fall into them. The mind will say that this Mark Okita is a born energy healer and
is dangerous or foolish but the results will his diverse life experiences have further
be surprisingly liberating. At any rate, expanded and refined those gifts. He trained
continue to feel, breathe and release. for many years in the martial arts with an
emphasis on meditation and cultivation
Finally, I recommend something that may of internal energy. Mark loves nature and
seem counterintuitive. When your partner has had wilderness experiences in Alaska,
is angry, even (or especially!) if it seems Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii,
insignificant, totally accept it. Honor the Mexico, New Zealand and Peru.
fact that to him, it feels very significant.
It has triggered something deep within. His work experience has included working
Look at it as a great opportunity for YOU in the HIV/AIDS social services and medical
to heal your inner wounds. In other fields. He has undergone extensive training
words, if his being triggered triggers in various forms of body and energy healing
you, then that is your work. Thank him as well as training and retreats pertaining
inwardly for giving you the opportunity to awakening human consciousness,
to engage with some very deep healing. If including a self-directed 8-year retreat. This
you are not able to do that in his presence, has culminated in a surrendering of his
then set aside a time and place to do so as ego to the Divine so that all of his healing
described above. See what happens when gifts and diverse life experiences are now
you are totally okay inside no matter how in service of a more Pure, Intelligent and
he is doing. THAT is Love. That is very Loving Energy. Mark has been a healer
healing for BOTH of you, but it has to on a professional level since 1993 and has
start within. Yes, it is very challenging, been doing specifically Energy Work for the
but definitely doable and one of the most past 20 years. His specialty now is distance
worthwhile endeavors with which we can healing and telephone sessions. For more
engage in this lifetime. information visit