Page 18 - March 2021
P. 18

Ask a Healer

                          The Truth Behind Anger

        Q. My partner gets angry very quickly                  factor is that anger is the go-to emotion for
        for seemingly unimportant stuff. Are                   compensating for feelings of powerlessness.

        there any tips for him and me?
                                                               I recommend referring to last month’s

        A. Anger is a very interesting energy. It is           Ask a Healer article that looked at how
        very compelling because it makes one feel              judgment is the cause of all anger, as
        powerful, right or superior. However, this             well as all negative emotions such as

        is not a true power but rather a response to  depression, guilt, shame, grief, hatred,
        feeling offended, vulnerable or powerless              etc. Seeing this is useful, but it may not

        (such as not being in control). Any boxer              get at the energetic aspect lodged deep in
        will attest to the fact that anger is actually         the body and unconscious mind – what I
        disempowering – it clouds judgment,                    call core wounds.

        drains vital energy and robs one of true
        power. The trigger for anger could be                  The external triggers of anger may seem

        anything from a perceived physical danger,  unimportant, but the inner wounds that
        a perceived threat to one’s ego and self-              get activated are very important. When
        identity, to even something as seemingly               core wounds are triggered the resulting

        small as a minor inconvenience. The key                feelings are very intense and often seem
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