Page 19 - March 2021
P. 19

disproportionate to the circumstances.                 uncomfortable to face this. We may feel
        How we respond to these triggers will                  like we want to lash out or crawl out

        determine whether we become further                    of our skin. But if we allow the energy
        ensnared in the egoic trap of perpetual                to release through focusing directly on

        suffering where the wound festers, or we  body sensations rather than on thoughts,
        begin to HEAL in a very deep, direct and  we will be discharging this trapped
        profound way. This process of healing                  energy rather than adding to it.

        will clear the way for Love and Authentic
        Power to awaken within.                                In the beginning, just a few seconds of

                                                               Awareness of body sensations will be all
        Real healing is a result of releasing the              that we can manage, before the thoughts
        TRAPPED ENERGY of the wound.                           force their way back in. Eventually it will

        This trapped energy is released through                be 10 seconds, then a minute and then
        FEELING the body sensations of the                     even a few minutes. This is success. Even

        anger WITHOUT ACTING IT OUT OR                         if we return to the anger and stories after
        TELLING ENDLESS STORIES ABOUT                          10 seconds of Awareness, during that
        IT, either in the head or to others – which            ten seconds we have permanently healed

        is a very strong inclination! There is a               just a little bit more of that core wound.
        powerful interaction between feelings and              Slow, PERSISTENT practice wins the

        thinking. Thinking angry thoughts (about               day. Expecting a quick fix and wanting
        how wrong something or someone is)                     dramatic and instant gratification will
        creates more anger and the energy of anger  never lead to Freedom. Think of it as a slow

        elicits further mental stories of judgment,            alchemical process of turning base metal
        which inflames the anger even more.                    into gold through the fire of Awareness.

        The irony is that we are trying to feel                A regular practice of Breathing
        powerful by being angry, but anger                     Meditation and/or Aliveness Meditation,

        actually makes us feel even more                       as described in the article Meditation
        powerless and victimized. Judgment                     For Connecting With Life Energy in the

        of the anger doesn’t help, neither does                December edition of My Indigo Sun, can
        repression or lashing out. The only way                greatly assist in being able to recognize
        out is to invite something outside of                  something outside of the anger; a life

        that self-perpetuating loop. The key is                force that is more stable and satisfying
        AWARENESS. Awareness of the body                       than the anger.

        sensations without judgement will allow
        the energy to be released and the wound  A very powerful practice is to set aside
        to heal. But this is not easy! It is very              a private time and space to intentionally

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