Page 10 - June 2024
P. 10

Jupiter in Gemini

                                    When Knowledge Becomes

                                Understanding, Wisdom Is Born

        On May 25, 2024, Jupiter entered the                   This “worldview”, the basis upon which
        mercurial, insatiably curious sign of                  we build our reality, gets to experience an

        Gemini, where it remains until June of                 upgrade every 12 years in the areas of life
        2025.  Our search to grow and expand                   and ruling principles of the house and sign

        conscious awareness shifts from the fixed,             through which Jupiter transits.
        earthy, practical, resource-oriented sign
        of Taurus to the mutable, airy, mentally-              One way to better understand and work

        oriented “Peter Pan” of the zodiac, Gemini.    with transiting Jupiter is to review the
        Jupiter by transit describes the direction             experiences, lessons, opportunities for

        in which our search for truth is likely to             growth, and philosophical adjustments
        take us, and the mode through which                    made during the previous years when
        we are most likely to find understanding               Jupiter was in the same sign, and

        and wisdom needed at this time.                        influencing the growth of consciousness in
        Circumstances that require our attention               similar ways.  Previous Jupiter in Gemini

        in order to grow consciousness happen in               transits occurred during  June 2012 -
        “big” ways, or are exaggerated, so as not              June 2013, June 2000 – July 2001,  July 1988
        to be missed or ignored.   Think Zeus’s                – July 1989, and August 1976 – August

        thunderbolt, or Thor’s hammer, two mythic  1977.  Although the patterns of previous
        representations of Jupiter’s experience.               Jupiter in Gemini transits repeat, you

        Our philosophical worldview is not a                   are hopefully older and wiser now, and
        static given, but an ever unfolding and                will experience Jupiter’s “lessons” from a
        evolving product of our life experiences.              place of greater maturity and conscious

        It is meant to grow and evolve throughout              awareness, and at a deeper level.
        one’s lifetime, rather than become frozen

        and rigid as “personal dogma”, which is the  As Jupiter moves through Gemini, its
        most negative expression of Jupiter.   Our             “playground” is the realm of lower mind,
        philosophy of life, or the “Truth” by which            that aspect of our mental process that

        we live, is a conglomeration of principles,            operates on “automatic pilot”.  It is here
        beliefs, perspectives, and ideals that color           that we store all “taken for granted”

        our perception of ourselves and the world.   mental programs, the basis for our

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