Page 7 - June 2024
P. 7

The Life Lesson                                        Practical Application
        Every life path has an inward and outward  These life lessons involve a combination

        lesson that runs simultaneously.  While                of mindset, planning, and active
        both are important, remember everything  engagement. Here are some practical steps

        begins within first.  Your inward lesson               to help you:
        is to let go of fear, while your outward
        lesson is to focus your energy on specific             Letting Go of Fear

        areas while gaining knowledge through                  • Label it! Understanding the root
        practical experience.                                  cause of your fear is the first step toward

                                                               overcoming it.
        The Karmic Debt 14/5

        Karmic debts are incurred because of                   • Use positive affirmations and
        unfavorable behavior in former lives,                  creative visualizations to reinforce your

        and the karmic debt 14/5 stems from                    confidence and belief in yourself.
        lifetimes where you have exploited
        others’ freedoms. This karmic component  • Gradually and safely expose yourself

        suggests that you will face many changes               to things that scare you.  For instance, if
        and unexpected events in life.  These                  you’re afraid of traveling to new places,

        events might include career shifts, changes  start with short trips to nearby towns, or if
        in relationship status, financial challenges,  you have a fear of public speaking, start by
        changes in family dynamics or living                   speaking in small groups first.

        situations, health surprises, unexpected
        self-discoveries, or shifts in your beliefs.           • Keep a journal of times when you faced

                                                               your fears and succeeded, reminding you
        This time around, life requires you to                 of your resilience.
        be open to its unpredictable nature and

        adapt to the changes that come your way                Focusing Your Energy
        without infringing upon the freedoms                   • Be SMART and set clear, achievable

        of others.  Your life may resemble a                   goals so you know exactly what you aim
        roller coaster ride, so staying flexible and           to accomplish.
        adaptable is extremely important. Part of

        your journey is becoming aware of what                 • Prioritize tasks based on urgency to
        distracts you and resisting the urge to                avoid scattering your energy.

        succumb to its temptations.

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