Page 11 - June 2024
P. 11

unconscious patterns of thought, (i.e.

                                                               “stinkin’ thinkin’”) and the daily routines
                                                               that we practice pretty much without

                                                               thought or consciousness,  to make life
                                                               easier and more efficient (i.e. brushing
                                                               teeth, making coffee, driving the same

                                                               route to work every day, etc.).  Lower mind
                                                               is also where we store unconscious ideas

                                                               and thought forms that form the basis of
                                                               our  perspectives/beliefs about ourselves
                                                               and life.  To a certain degree, these core

                                                               beliefs create the foundation upon which
                                                               we create our reality.   Jupiter in Gemini

                                                               tends to force us to “pay attention” to
                                                               these typically unconscious thought
                                                               forms by exaggerating challenging life

                                                               experiences and circumstances that stem
                                                               from them.  We become more aware of

                                                               how our automatic mind serves to hinder
                                                               or help us to create the reality we desire.
                                                               We become more mindful of the patterns

                                                               of thought that consistently thwart our
                                                               efforts to succeed, or plague our attempts at

                                                               harmonious relationship.  With conscious
                                                               awareness comes Jupiterian inspiration
                                                               to “work on the problem” by changing

                                                               perspective, healing the wounds at the
                                                               root of our “negative” thinking patterns,

                                                               and shifting from “automatic pilot”
                                                               to conscious choice about the way we
                                                               respond to life experiences.   Of course,

                                                               for those who choose not to engage in the
                                                               consciousness expanding work of Jupiter,

                                                               the more challenging side of Gemini,
                                                               avoidance and hiding one’s head in the

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