Page 16 - June 2024
P. 16

Astrological Insights for June 2024


        June begins with perhaps the most
        significant celestial event of the year, if

        not the decade, as Uranus enters sidereal
        Taurus. After entering Taurus on May

        31, Uranus will remain there until
        December 16, 2024. However, due to its
        retrograde motion, Uranus will return

        to Aries. After transiting through Aries
        until March 16, 2025, Uranus will finally

        reenter Taurus and will stay there for the
        next seven years or so.

        Uranus, being the planet of sudden and
        uninvited change, will certainly affect

        matters related to Taurus significantly.
        Taurus, an earth and fixed sign, will
        experience the impact of Uranus’s

        extremely independent, ambitious,
        energetic, impulsive, and capricious

        energy. This will reflect in drastic
        changes in the material world—banking,
        stock brokers, financial institutions, the

        US Federal Reserve, and reserve banks
        worldwide—over the next seven years.

        World financial markets are likely to
        be extremely volatile, possibly dipping
        into a short-term but severe depression.

        However, the good news is that we may
        not experience this severity at least

        until May of 2025, as it will be offset
        by Jupiter’s materially favorable transit
        through Taurus.

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