Page 17 - June 2024
P. 17

The timing of Uranus’s transit
                                                               coincides with the next US presidential

                                                               election, potentially leading to
                                                               the election of a female president.

                                                               However, the brief return of Uranus
                                                               to Aries from December 16, 2024,
                                                               to March 16, 2025, may introduce

                                                               political chaos and instability,
                                                               delaying the inauguration process and

                                                               potentially impacting the outcome.

                                                               As we move into June, another

                                                               significant planetary event is the
                                                               ingress of Mars into sidereal Aries, a

                                                               fire and cardinal sign ruled by Mars.
                                                               Individuals with a predominant
                                                               Mars influence in their birth charts,

                                                               especially if it’s currently active through
                                                               their transit charts, may experience a

                                                               highly eventful month with notable
                                                               activities. This is particularly relevant
                                                               for politicians, leaders, engineers,

                                                               designers, construction workers, military
                                                               personnel, managers, and similar

                                                               professions, who may feel the effects
                                                               more strongly.

                                                               Read the whole article here.

                                                                              Jagdish Maheshri
                                                                              Professional Vedic Astrologer

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