Page 18 - June 2024
P. 18

Intense Desire which the

            Alchemists called Sulphur

        Carl Jung devoted three volumes of                     They believed that their effort to become
        discourse to the practical and theoretical             conscious was an offering to the divine,

        discipline known as Alchemy. He                        a sacred and holy task which required
        discovered in Alchemy a parallel to                    dedication and self-honesty. This is the
        his initial work with patients at the                  same as psychological spirituality which

        Burgholzli Mental Hospital in Zurich. The  is about becoming conscious of our many
        Alchemical texts became a major part of                selves. They knew that consistent and

        his work termed analytical psychology.                 sometimes grueling work is required; for
                                                               them and us, it begins with shadow work.
        To learn Alchemy, one studied with a                   It takes a strong and enduring ego to face

        master who was also an Astrologer, as the  our own unconscious which is often a
        two were never separate. The symbols, the  daunting undertaking not always easy

        elements, the transits (timing) were all a             to do. Responsibility and moral integrity
        part of what they called “The Work.” Most  take time to develop. We only do this in
        do not know this, but our astrology is not  incremental stages as we learn to be self-

        a static set of characteristics. The birth             reflective. No one does it overnight.
        chart shows our development as a process.

        Jung called this process individuation                 The Alchemists also famously said,
        which is getting to know who we are.                   “Our gold is not the common gold,” so
        The transits, which is where the planets               it was never about turning lead into

        are currently in relationship to our birth             physical gold. Alchemy was couched in
        chart mathematically, are a psychological              some very unusual and graphic terms

        description of our continuing emotional                to hide what they were doing because it
        and spiritual evolution. We are always in              was considered heretical by the church.
        the process of becoming who we came                    The reason why it was considered

        here to be. It takes a lifetime of work to             a heresy is excellently described
        know our whole self.                                   in the book, The Dynamics of the

                                                               Unconscious, a seminar presented and
        This work was considered to be the                     written by Liz Greene and Howard
        Opus for the Alchemists. They called                   Sasportas. I highly recommend the

        it “the great art” in medieval Europe.                 chapter on Alchemy in their book.

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