Page 20 - June 2024
P. 20

ambition or a power drive but my subject
        for this article is relationships of a sexual

        nature. There is a compulsive aspect
        to desirousness as it is the fire of libido

        (energy). It feels as if this person we
        desire is present in our thoughts 24/7.
        Unbeknownst to us, this is the energy

        created by the dynamo of the opposites.

        The Latin word coniunctio means a union
        of opposites between male and female
        which is the same as the word conjunction

        used in Astrology. It is the word used to
        describe two planets in the birth chart

        joined within 8-10˚. In this context, male
        and female are not genders, they describe
        two principals in the psyche of everyone

        — masculine (Sun) and feminine (Moon).
        In alchemical images, they are represented

        by a King and Queen, a stag and unicorn
        as well as luna and sol. Psychologically,
        this union is taking place gradually in our

        unconscious. These opposites, conscious
        and unconscious are forever seeking each

        other out for completion.

        Until we are willing to bring more to

        consciousness and face our shadow (the
        prima materia: the hidden primitive and

        undeveloped aspects of our nature), Anima
        (the female in men) and Animus (the male
        in women) which are both Latin for soul,

        they continue to live autonomously in a
        split-off part of our psyche.

        The color red archetypally is fire and
        passion of an emotional quality. Looking

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