Page 25 - June 2024
P. 25

over. This is the cross of life, a veritable           what they can give us; but who they are.
        crucifixion and we are all on this cross               The love that can now grow between

        whether we know it or not. This inner                  two partners is profound because it is
        urge to individuate is what drives us                  REAL. Real love, unlike projection, is a

        on in our voyage of self-discovery.                    willingness to see and support another
        Jung says,                                             person to be their own unique, separate
                                                               self. This will untangle us from seeking

        “I should like to emphasize that the                   in them the perfect parent-mirror image
        integration of the shadow, or the                      of ourselves, for as long as we are still

        realization of the personal unconscious,               seeking to be completed by another
        marks the first stage in the analytic                  person, we will not allow them their
        process, and that without it a recognition  own autonomy.

        of the anima and animus is impossible.
        The shadow can be realized only through  As the Nordic Rune “Partnership”

        a relation to a partner, and the anima                 describes it, two separate and whole
        and animus only through a partner of                   beings — equals in the true sense of
        the opposite sex, because only in such                 the word — can help each person

        a relation do their projections become                 feel their own union with the Divine
        operative.”                                            within instead of through projective

        —Carl Jung, AION, Research into the                    identification with their partner. As the
        Phenomenology of the Self, par 42, pg 22  love between them grows and expands
                                                               to the entire Cosmos, this kind of love

        This is not an easy task as it takes                   gives each partner their freedom — the
        work and often involves a painful                      greatest gift of all. As I see it, freedom

        encounter with the Self. In Mysterium                  to be ourselves is the goal of the Age of
        Coniunctionis, Jung says, “An experience  Aquarius.
        with the Self is always a defeat for the

        ego,“ but that the death of the ego (the
        self as you knew it) allows one to be                  Rebeca Eigen

        reborn into one’s own wholeness as
        projections are taken back.

        The value of taking back our projections
        is that we can now see and accept our

        partners for who they are — not what
        we wanted them to be; not what we
        wish they would change into; not for

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