Page 28 - June 2024
P. 28

this makes. If all we constantly think                 you bring this vision of your ideal
        about is losing weight, we will constantly             physical self that much closer into

        have weight to lose – adopting a new                   genuinely being your long-term reality.
        mindset will prove significantly more                  Quite rapidly you will see the results

        effective and work more permanently                    manifesting for you, ensuring your
        than any diet. We need to re-apply all our  lasting motivation to carry right on all
        attention on building our lifestyle around  the way through to finally living the life

        actively becoming our vision of how we                 you deserve and feeling good about your
        see our ideal physical self.                           mirror image…

        We empower ourselves by opting to                      OUR NATURE TO BE FOUND IN
        turbo-charge our weight loss goals with                NATURE

        the right mindset; and consequently                    Nature is good for the soul. Our ancestors
        designing a tailored lifestyle to bring                lived a life far closer to nature. They were

        ourselves to where we desire to be                     aware of the passing seasons and how to
        physically, this is the only skill-set                 read coming weather changes.
        needed to achieve genuine permanent

        weight loss.                                           Is it any wonder given our usual fast-

                                                               forward lifestyle so many in the 21st
        This is so easy as well!                               century have lost an inherent spirituality?

        Quite simply cut out of your new                       I am not necessarily talking about

        lifestyle anything at all incongruous                  organised religion here. I mean more
        with how your vision of the way your                   looking within ourselves and thinking

        ideal self looks. Choosing to focus all                about who we fundamentally are; our
        your attention on things such as tastily               interconnection to the infinite. Why we
        fantastically healthy food/drink and                   are here on this planet in this moment…

        taking regular exercise. Find an exercise
        you buy-into and really enjoy, this                    We deserve to engage with life to the

        can be anything from dancing, yoga,                    full and enjoy every single day, whatever
        swimming, martial arts, running, zumba,                twists and turns it might take, remaining
        hill trekking or taking part in a sport,               true to our own ethics and moral code.

        something you look forward to doing
        and can easily be integrated into your                 Enjoying some fun, this might well cost

        weekly routine.                                        absolutely nothing in hard cash, but is
                                                               nevertheless priceless. Now that is really
        Make this choice right now and                         living!

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