Page 29 - June 2024
P. 29

• Think of walking in a forest during a                This is real life.

        fresh shower of rain, those heady scents
        combined with the sound of birdsong                    This is directly appreciating freely given
        high above in the trees.                               beauty, the beauty of nature, of our own

        • Sitting by a seashore as roaring waves               natures; and it is all waiting right there as
        crash in onto the beach or perhaps                     it has always been. Waiting for you and

        soothingly lap gently onto the shoreline.              me to feel it through all our senses, with
        • The beauty of taking in the awe-                     every breath down through every atom
        inspiring wonder of a meadow                           of our very being!

        resplendent with a kaleidoscope of
        wildflowers.                                           So, what would you rather enjoy?

        • The drama of a wild thunderstorm.
        • Looking up at the eagle majestically                 Any one of those amazing natural
        soaring against a stunning sunset.                     experiences or spending more time on

        • To be out on a cold crisp winters                    your phone?
        evening, the sky purest black and a

        million stars twinkling like diamonds.                 Why not go and take a walk instead?
        • Or a scorching hot summer’s day,
        feeling the sun warming upon our backs  Living 24/7 in completely artificial

        and experiencing true contentment.                     environments stifles creativity and

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